Slash is well aware of how random and raunchy his social media channels can get, and believe it or not, he’s actually running the accounts.

Many artists usually have their management team take care of their social media, but Slash is a notable exception. His NSFW social media posts came up in a recent conversation on Talkin’ Rock with Meltdown, and the guitar icon said, “I do it, and I don’t get away with everything. I get stopped by the Instagram and Facebook police all the time. I actually get shut down for days at a time, too.”

As for where he finds his material, he said, “Funnily enough, I find most of it on Instagram. Some of it I find on Twitter, and some of it, you know, just online in passing. I might run into something, but the majority of it I actually find on Instagram that was already in there. Then the more we get from Instagram, the more I can get away with stuff. Because if they didn’t get popped for it then I shouldn’t, right? [Laughs]”

Slash also has interesting experiences coming across his own work, particularly when his music is used in a TV series or a film. He said one of the “prouder moments I love” was the way Guns N’ Roses’ “Sweet Child O’ Mine” was used in the 2008 comedy Step Brothers.

“I love anything that’s like a parody or tongue in cheek or whatever, you know. But that was a good one,” said Slash. “It’s funny about that one in particular. You license these songs out, so you get a request for something…But you have no idea what the movie’s really about unless you go and request the script and all that kind of stuff. You sort of just go with it…They send you in a sentence [what the movie is about] and Will Ferrell’s in it, and you say, like, ‘Okay, cool.’ And then a long time goes by before the movie actually comes out, and you’re watching the movie and you’ve forgotten all about giving them the license. And then you see you see them sitting in the front seat singing the song and you’re like, ‘Huh? [Laughs] When did that happen?’”


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