Brian May shared that he tested positive for COVID-19 and detailed what his experience has been like despite receiving three shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

May says in part in the video below that he and his wife have been very careful throughout the pandemic but decided to attend a birthday luncheon where everyone in attendance had also received three vaccine shots and took a lateral flow test the morning of the luncheon. He noted that they didn’t wear masks.

“Saturday was when the party happened,” said May. “Sunday, [my wife] Anita felt a little bit of a cough. I felt kind of all right — maybe a little [sniffly]. Monday, we both started to have some kind of symptoms. And we thought maybe we got some flu or whatever. We were testing the whole time and we were testing negative. And Tuesday, I hear that I think eight people from the party had already tested positive and had the COVID in their systems. And I realized that they had been testing positive up to this point as well.”

He continued, “So Tuesday night we tested ourselves once more and we were both positive. So it took that long — Saturday night to Tuesday — for the test to show anything. But I would guess we were infected all along that time. So, unfortunately, the test doesn’t give you immunity from spreading it. Luckily, we pretty much kept away from everybody ’cause we had a bit of a feeling. So hopefully we didn’t infect anybody else, although I’m not sure. We’re now quarantining.”

As for how he’s felt with COVID, May said, “I have to say it’s like the worst flu you can imagine, really. And I felt very despondent. But, yeah, we were both poorly. Me particularly, I was pathetic, I didn’t wanna talk to anyone, didn’t wanna see anyone, couldn’t get out of bed. I was just filled with a mess in my head and all the flu symptoms, a terrible cough. Now, Saturday — this is day seven — and I feel pretty good. I felt pretty good the last couple of days. So this thing does go away.”

May adds, “And I can’t emphasize to you enough — this is not the response that my body would have made on its own. It’s making this response because I’ve had three Pfizer jabs. And I beg you and implore you to go and get jabbed if you’re not already, ’cause you need the help. I lost one of my very best friends to COVID very early on. In six days, it killed him. It could have done me the last six days, but it didn’t because of the jabs.”

May touches on how some people are still hesitant or protesting against the COVID vaccine and mask usage saying, “I despair seeing these people protesting against the vaccine, protesting against their rights being violated ’cause they might have to wear a mask. Jesus Christ, guys, our parents fought through wars and had their civil rights knocked away. All anyone is asking is for you to play your part to try and unite against this invader. And it’s a nasty thing, and it isn’t finished yet.”


Queen – Madison Square Garden – August 7, 2019