The $900 billion COVID relief bill, like most bills introduced in Congress, includes various line items tucked in that have very little to do with the purpose of the bill itself. One line item that is receiving a lot of attention from the relief bill is making illegal streaming for profit a felony.

Beginning on page 2542 of the 5593-page bill document is the language outlining illegal streaming for-profit. The line item also features a breakdown of the penalties which range from being fined and/or imprisoned for three to ten years depending on the severity of the crime.

PerĀ The Washington Post, the Senate and House have both approved the $900 billion relief bill, which will now be sent to President Donald Trump to enact into law.

The illegal streaming line item is another win for the entertainment industry, which will be receiving grant support in the relief bill. As previously reported, live venues, independent movie theaters, and cultural institutions, which have been hit hard by pandemic-related closures, will have access to $15 billion in grants.

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