Deadmau5’s incredible Cube V3 made it’s debut at the Met in Philadelphia, PA on January 24th, 2020. Looming over the crowd, Joel Zimmerman sat in a gaming chair, at what look like a computer desk in the middle of a rotating and tilting cube structure. The glowing green eyes of his signature mouse head could occasionally be seen throught LED screens that make up the Cube. The Cube would spin from side to side at time revealing Zimmerman with the mouse helmet on and sometimes without it. With incredible lighting design and colorful visuals, it was truly anight full of computer graphic eye candy.
About halfway through his set, Lights appeared on stage to perform “Raise Your Weapon” and “Drama Free.” Deadmau5 performed all of his fan favorites like “Strobe,” “Ghosts ‘n’ Stuff,” and “The Longest Road.”
- No Problem
- Infra Turbo Pigcart Racer
- Suckfest9001
- Maths
(w/ Cobra Effect Remix) - My Pet Coelacanth
(coelacanth (ov) intro) - Moar Ghosts n’ Stuff
- Ghosts N Stuff
- Cthulhu Sleeps
- Imaginary Friends
(I Remember vocals) - Avaritia
- Three Pound Chicken Wing
(The Longest Road acapella) - Where Phantoms Sleep
- Raise Your Weapon
(with Lights) (w/ Noisia Remix) - drama free
(with Lights) - SATRN
- The Veldt
(deadmau5 vs. Eric Prydz / Tommy Trash Remixes) - Strobe
- Speed, Violence, Momentum
- Nosedive
- Bridged by a Lightwave
- Monophobia