Canadian rockers Three Days Grace got the show started, opening with “The Mountain” off their latest album, Outsider. Fronted by Matt Walst, since 2013, he has brought a new energy to band. 3DG performed a lot of the older material as well as some newer songs.
- The Mountain
- Home
- The Good Life
- Pain
- Infra-Red
- Painkiller
- Break
- Right Left Wrong
- I Hate Everything About You
- Animal I Have Become
- Never Too Late
- Riot
Before Disturbed hit the stage, there was a video montage of their career up until now. They kicked off their fiery set with “Are You Ready” off their latest album, Evolution. The parts of their set that really got to be were the more stripped down songs like “Hold On to Memories” and “A Reason to Fight”. With “Hold On to Memories”, they showed photos and videos of friends and families, including towards the end, people who passed away recently like Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell. “A Reason to Fight” was dedicated to those who have battled with mental health, a subject prominent within the music community. They also performed their haunting cover of “The Sound of Silence”. “Inside the Fire” put the emphasis on fire as their was pyro engulfed the stage, especially during the guitar solo, where fire was coming down from the ceiling through flammable ropes. Disturbed returned to the stage for an encore, performing “The Light”, which required some crowd participation with the use of cell phone flashlights and lighters, “No More”, and last, but certainly not least, their staple song, “Down With the Sickness”.
- Are You Ready
- Prayer
- The Vengeful One
- The Animal
- Stupify
(followed by guitar jam, full band instrumental ) - Voices
- Land of Confusion
(Genesis cover) - Hold On to Memories
(followed by bass / drum solos) - Ten Thousand Fists
- The Game
- A Reason to Fight
(on side stage) - Watch You Burn
(on side stage) - The Sound of Silence
(Simon & Garfunkel cover) - Indestructible
- Inside the Fire
- The Light
- Stricken
- No More
- Down With the Sickness

Three Days Grace