KISS is reaching out to their loyal KISS Army for help in making of KISStory, the ‘definitive’ documentary about the band’s history.
In a Facebook post, the band writes, “ATTENTION KISS ARMY! KISS is set to be the subject of an upcoming FEATURE DOCUMENTARY and WANTS YOU to help tell their story.
This will be the definitive documentary of KISS. But in order to make the film you deserve, the producers are conducting a global hunt for rare and compelling KISS – related media. This could include but is not limited to…
* Never-before-seen footage of the band onstage or offstage during the 1970s,
* Still photographs or video of the band in the 70s trying to conceal their identity
* Unscripted, candid or revealing moments between band members, onstage or off, from any era.
* Obscure local or international TV/ Radio interviews or news reports from the 1970s, 80s or 90s.
We want to help the world see the band through your eyes. Don’t miss this chance to become a permanent part of the band’s legacy. KISSTORY is literally being made.”
Fans that want to submit video, audio or photographs to be considered for the documentary can do so via WeTransfer.