Music gear marketplace Reverb continues to make noise in the New Year, and now they’re inviting fans to 2023’s biggest dance party: The Official Polo & Pan Reverb Shop.

A wide range of gear has always been key to the French electronic duo’s creative workflow. Known for their colorful house songs, Polo & Pan are finally clearing out their studio to make room for new gear, giving fans and fellow musicians alike the opportunity to shop dozens of instruments, including equipment pivotal to hit tracks like “Tunnel” and “Ari Kuni.”

Among the gear in the ‘Reverb Shop’ is a pair of Universal Audio Urei 1176 Rev.H compressors that have been used on nearly all the Polo & Pan recordings.

“After many years using [these] legendary compressors, we decided to let them go,” the duo said. “It was a young producer’s dream to acquire them. To make it even more cool, [the] pair that we bought was previously owned by Maurice Gibb from The Bee Gees.”

Other gear highlights in The Official Polo & Pan Reverb Shop include:

A Dynacord DRS-78—”We love this vintage digital Reverb,” said the duo. “We use it as an insert on many mono synths to give them a wider and deeper feeling.”

An Electro-Harmonix V256 vocoder the duo used during their first several live tours and the recordings of “Coeur d’artichaut” and “Plage Isolée.”

A Crumar Multiman-S used for its string sounds on “Tunnel.” It’s also featured on many of the songs on the band’s upcoming mixtape.

A Korg MS-10 that provided some of the duo’s signature bass sounds, including the one on “Tunnel.”

A Roland D-50, a subtractive synth from the ’80s used by pop icons like Michael Jackson and Prince, that the duo sampled and used on several tracks.

Head to the official Polo & Pan Reverb shop for further information.