Words & Photos by Anthony Scanga (ras_visual)

Bikini Kill played to a sold out crowd Saturday September 7th at The Brooklyn Paramount.  The punk rockers played a career spanning set and lead singer Kathleen Hanna joked around and told stories of her days living in New York.  The crowd was lively and spanned all ages. It was a clear representation of punk being for all.

With the band being in their 50s one might think the vibe would have chilled out, but the energy never let up and Hanna even commented about how cool it was that they sold out the venue “we’re in our 50’s and a lot of people move on to the younger thing thinking they’ve already seen what we do, but we sold out the show!”

The band ended the night with arguably their biggest hit “Rebel Girl”. After the show was over there was a lingering air of defiance but also happiness which is what I feel Bikini Kill is all about. Don’t mess with us, but let’s have fun.

Bikini Kill