Ozzy Osbourne is a proud grandfather, and it looks like one of his grandchildren is really proud of him, too.

Ozzy’s son, Jack, shared an adorable video of his daughter, Maple, watching a performance of his on TV. Jack captioned the clip, “Maple thinks she’s getting a private performance from Papa.”

Even the coldest heart will melt just a big over Maple yelling, “Papa! Papa!” at the TV.


In case you needed another cute clip of Maple, here’s one of her lighting up upon hearing the intro to “Crazy Train.” For even more added cuteness, she tries to sing along, too.


Ozzy TMI

You know what Ozzy and his grandkids both have in common? They both have peed their pants! (Follow us on this one, please. We promise we’re going somewhere.)

Just last month, The Prince of Darkness recalled during an episode of The Osbournes Podcast that he freely wet himself while performing on stage.

This revelation came up during a normal conversation most families have: Celebrity underwear auctions. Particularly, a pair of underwear that belonged to Queen Victoria was once sold at auction.

Ozzy, Sharon, Kelly and Jack were beside themselves about how the underwear were obtained and who would want to own them. This eventually led to the revelation that Sharon once owned a number of items worn by Marilyn Monroe, including a dress, a pair of shoes and a handbag.

Jack then asked what the difference was between owning those Monroe items and owning Queen Victoria’s underwear. Sharon reasoned that Monroe didn’t “fart and s— in” any of those items. Ozzy then jumped in and said Queen Victoria was “an old girl.” He added she was probably incontinent and likely soiled herself during long parades or processions.

This led to The Prince of Darkness revealing, “When I was onstage, I used to go, ‘Oh, f— it,’ and just piss, ’cause I was wet anyway from throwing water around.”

Say what you will about The Osbournes — whatever that might be — but most families wish they had this type of closeness.


Ozzy Osbourne: His Top 40 Solo Songs Ranked