Mike Portnoy, the drummer who just returned to Dream Theater after a 13-year hiatus, has uploaded a tutorial video showcasing a drum-through of the band’s song, “Pull Me Under”. This video is part of a package on the educational drumming platform Drumeo and was recorded merely weeks after Portnoy declared his comeback to Dream Theater. The first content released was a rendition of the popular early song “Pull Me Under” by the band, which Portnoy hadn’t performed since his departure. In the 14-minute video clip, Portnoy states, “The announcement of my return to Dream Theater was only made a few weeks ago when this was filmed. So, playing now feels much like getting back on a bike for me.” The muscle memory is permanent; it will last a lifetime. In a Facebook post, Portnoy expressed: “My time at Drumeo was incredibly fun! We shot a lot of content that will gradually be unveiled in the ensuing months… this is the initial among numerous songs/videos that are yet to come! It’s been over 13 years since I last played this song! The song that marked our debut… #ReunionOfDreamAndMP #Drumeo #MikePortnoy #DreamTheater”.